The rear fender is an element particularly vulnerable to damage. The reason is very simple - the shapes of modern cars, which are not designed like boxes, and have all sorts of indentations and roundness. The rear fender is usually, the element that strongly protrudes in width in relation to the rest of the car. And since it is located behind the front wheel, it is the one that receives the most impact from anything that flies out from under the front wheel.
The best way to illustrate this is with an example of a car in which this is most evident. These are Porsche cars, which have always had beautiful designer shapes and great body lines.
Porsche was one of the first to recognize that a nice design also requires more protection, which is why some of the greatest rear fender protection films have been used on the brand's cars for a very long time.
Today, rear fender protection films are used by almost all car manufacturers.